MimeInfo spec

Thomas Leonard tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Mar 31 18:45:09 EEST 2004

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 10:53:35PM +0100, Jaap Karssenberg wrote:
> I was wondering the next mimeinfo spec is coming along. I remember
> seeing a draft a while ago which included aliases and sub-classes, when
> is that going to be released ?

It's been in the last couple of releases, I think, although the newer
versions haven't appeared on the web site for some reason.

The <alias> and <sub-class-of> elements are supported in the input files,
although there are only a couple of them at the moment in the main data
file. Once the input database has a few more it will probably be worth
generating the extra output files to make lookups with them faster.

Thomas Leonard			http://rox.sourceforge.net
tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk	tal197 at users.sourceforge.net
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