new Thumbnail Managing Standard proposal

Olivier lists at
Wed Oct 6 16:32:09 EEST 2004

obviously I forgot the attach in my previous posting
-------------- next part --------------
<!doctype article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
<article id="index">
    <title>Thumbnail Managing Standard</title>
    <releaseinfo>Version 0.7.0</releaseinfo>
    <date>September 2004</date>
	    <email>jens at</email>
	    <email>olivier at</email>

  <sect1 id="history">
    <listitem><para>September 2004, Version 0.7.0</para>
      <listitem><para>Added readonly support for local thumbnail repositories</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>September 2002, Version 0.6.1</para>
      <listitem><para>The subdirectories weren't a good idea. Removed them from
       this version.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Updated link to the MD5 implementation.</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>September 2002, Version 0.6</para>
      <listitem><para>Added another sub directory level within the cache base
      directories to avoid too much clutter.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>State not to create thumbnails for files within the
      thumbnail cache directory.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>State when it's allowed to use thumbnails which haven't
      been checked for validity.</para></listitem>   
      <listitem><para>Some typo fixes.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Introduction and conclusion rewrite.</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>Janurary 2002, Version 0.5</para>
      <listitem><para>Changed handling of different thumbnail sizes.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Renamed directories.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Propose using temporary filenames to avoid problems with
      concurrent access.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Save thumbnails directly in the size dir without subdirs.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Added optional Thumb::Mimetype key</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Give some more implementation notes.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Added "Thanks" section.</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>December 2001, Version 0.4</para>
      <listitem><para>Destinction between required and optional thumbnail attributes.
      <listitem><para>Dropped distinction between global/local .thumbnail
      <listitem><para>Use MD5 hashes as thumbnail filename.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Initial attempt to handle concurrent accesses by different programs.
      <listitem><para>Rewrote the "Deleting Thumbnails" section.
    <listitem><para>August 2001, Version 0.3</para>
      <listitem><para>Rewrote this paper.</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>July 2001, Version 0.2</para>
      <listitem><para>Removed distinction between low/high quality thumbnails.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Seperate directory for failures.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Consider permission settings.</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>July 2001, Version 0.1</para>
        <listitem><para>First public release.</para></listitem>

  <sect1 id="introduction">
      This paper deals with the permanent storage of previews for file
      content. In particular, it tries to define a general and widely accepted
      standard for this task. That way, it will be possible to share these so
      called thumbnails across a large number of applications.</para>

    <para>The current situation is, that nearly every program introdues a new
    way of dealing with thumbnails. This results in the fact, that if the user
    uses 4 or 5 different programs, he will end up with 4 or 5 thumbnails for
    the same file. It's obvious that this is not only a waste of the users disc
    space, but also makes the managing of large collections harder.

    <para>But why does a program use thumbnails? Often these are presented in
    file operation dialogs to give the user a hint what a certain file is
    about. This can be seen as information in additon to the plain filename
    which helps to identify the desired file faster and more easily. But the
    idea isn't limited to images and file operation dialogs. The additional
    value of previews is also applyable to other file types, like text
    documents, pdf files, spreadsheets and so on. The reason why this isn't
    deployed widely so far is, that it requires a lot of effort and is only of
    little use for a single program (for example, if only the spreadsheet
    program can create and view it's previews). But imagine if your filemanager
    could display all these previews too, while you are browsing through your

    <para>If there is a general accepted, file type independent way how to
    deal with previews, the above sketched vision can come true. Everytime an
    application saves a file it creates also a preview thumbnail for it. Other
    programs can check if there is a thumbnail for a specific file and can
    present it. This proposal tries to unifiy the thumbnail managing and
    constitutes the first step to a better graphical desktop.
  <sect1 id="issues">
    <title>Issues To Solve</title>
    There are some issues to solve to make this work correctly. Specifically
    these are:
	  <para>Find a place for permanent storing.</para> 
	  <para>Preserve information about original image and make them easily
	  accessible without touching the original.</para>
	  <para>Provide the ability to handle different thumbnail sizes.</para> 
	  <para>Take care of thumbnail generation failures.</para>
	  <para>Find a way to access thumbnails concurrently with different
      All these things will be discussed in the next chapters and solutions
      will be presented.
  <sect1 id="directory">
    <title>Thumbnail Directory</title>

    <para> There exists exactly one place where all generated thumbnails will
       be stored. This is the .thumbnails directory located in the users
       home. </para>

    <sect2 id="dirstructure"><title>Directory Structure</title>

    <para> Within this dir there are living some other subdirectories showing
       in the following listing:
      <para> The meaning of the directories are as follows:</para>
	  <para>Normal: The default place for storing thumbnails. The image
	  size must not exceed 128x128 pixel. Programs which need smaller
	  resolutions should read and write the 128x128 thumbnails and
	  downscale them afterwards to the desired dimension. See <link
	  linkend="creation">Thumbnail Creation</link> for more details.</para>
	  <para>Large: The previous notes apply to this directory too, except
	  that the thumbnail size must be 256x256 pixel. </para>
	  <para>Fail: This directory is used to store information about files
	  where a thumbnail couldn't be generated. See <link
	  linkend="failures">Thumbnail Generation Failure</link> for more
     You must not create/save thumbnails for any files you will find in these
     directories. Instead load and use these files directly.
   <sect1 id="creation"> <title>Thumbnail Creation</title> 


     <para> The image format for thumbnails is the <ulink
        url="">PNG format</ulink>, regardless in
        which format the original file was saved. To be more specific it must
        be a 8bit, non-interlaced PNG image with full alpha transparency (means
        255 possible alpha values). However, every program should use the best
        possible quality when creating the thumbnail. The exact meaning of this
        is left to the specific program but it should consider applying

     <sect2 id="addinfos"><title>Thumbnail Attributes</title> 
     <para>Beside the storage of the raw graphic data its often useful to
        provide further information about a file in its thumbnail. Especially
        file size, image dimension or image type are often used in graphic
        programs. If the thumbnail provides such information it avoids any need
        to access the original file and thus makes the loading faster.</para>

     <para> The PNG format provides a mechanism to store arbitrary text strings
        together with the image. It uses a simple key/value scheme, where some
        keys are already predefined like Title, Author and so on (see <ulink
        url="">section 4.2.7</ulink> of the
        PNG standard). This mechanism is used to store additional
        thumbnail attributes.</para>

     <para> Beside the png format there is another internet standard which is
        important in this context: the <ulink
        mechanism</ulink>. It is used to specify the location of the original
        file. Only canonical absolute URIs (including the scheme) are used to
        determine the original uniquely.</para>
     <para>The following keys and their appropriate values must be provided by
	every program which supports this standard. All the keys are defined in
	the "Thumb::" namespace or if already defined by the PNG standard
	without any namespace.</para>
	   <title>Required attributes.</title>
	  <tgroup cols="2" align="left">
	     <entry>Thumb::URI</entry> <entry>The absolute canonical uri for
	     the original file. (eg file:///home/jens/photo/me.jpg)</entry>
	     <entry>Thumb::MTime</entry><entry>The modification time of the
	     original file (as indicated by stat, which is represented as
	     seconds since January 1st, 1970).</entry>

	  <para>If it's not possible to obtain the modification time of the
	  original then you shouldn't store a thumbnail for it at all. The
	  mtime is needed to check if the thumbnail is valid yet (see <link
	  linkend="modifications">Detect modifications</link>). Otherwise we
	  can't guarantee the content corresponds to the original and must
	  regenerate a thumb every time anyway.</para>

	  <title>Additional attributes.</title>
	  <tgroup cols="2" align="left">
	     <entry>Thumb::Size</entry><entry>File size in bytes of the original
	     <entry>Thumb::Mimetype</entry><entry>The file mimetype. </entry>
	    <entry>Description</entry><entry>This key is predefined by the PNG
                standard. It provides a general description about the thumbnail
                content and can be used eg. for accessability needs.</entry>
	     <entry>Software</entry><entry>This key is predefined by the PNG
                  standard. It stores the name of the program which generated
                  the thumbnail.</entry>

     <para>There are surely some situations where further information are
        desired. Eg. the Gimp could save the number of layers an image has or
        something like this. So if an application wants to save more
        information it is free to do so. It should use a key in its own
        namespace (to avoid clashes) prefixed by X- to indicate that this is an
        extension. Eg. Gimp could save the layer info in the key

     <para> However, regarding to the filetype there are some keys which are
        generally useful. If a program can obtain information for the following
        keys it should provide them.</para>
	  <title>Filetype specific attributes.</title>
	  <tgroup cols="2" align="left">
	     <entry>Thumb::Image::Width</entry><entry>The width of the original
	     image in pixel.</entry>
	     <entry>Thumb::Image::Height</entry><entry>The height of the original
	     image in pixel.</entry>
	     <entry>Thumb::Document::Pages</entry><entry>The number of pages
	     the original document has.</entry>
	     <entry>Thumb::Movie::Length</entry><entry>The length of the movie
	     in seconds.</entry>

     <para>With this approach a program doesn't have the guarantee that certain
        keys are stored in a thumbnail, because it may have been created by
        another application. If possible, a program should cope with the lack
        of information in such a case instead of recreating the thumbnail and
        the missing information.

    <sect2 id="thumbsize"><title>Thumbnail Size</title>
        As already mentionend in the <link linkend="directory">Thumbnail
        Directory</link> section there exists two suggested sizes you can use
        for your thumbnails: 128x128 and 256x256 pixel. The idea is that if a
        program uses another size for it's previews it loads one of the two
        versions and scales them down to the desired size. Similar, when
        creating a thumbnail it scales the file down to 128x128 first (or
        256x256), saves it to disk and then reduce the size further. This
        mechanism enables all programs to obtain their desired previews in an
        easy and fast way. </para>

	<para> However, these are suggestions. Implementations should cope also
        with images that are smaller than the suggested size for the normal and
        large subdirectories. Depending on the difference between the actual
        and the desired size, they can either use the smaller one found in the
        cache and scale it down or recreate a thumbnail with the proposed size
        for this directory.</para>

	<para> If a program needs a thumbnail for an image file which is
	smaller than 128x128 pixel it doesn't need to save it at all.</para>
	<para> All sizes define just a rectangle area where the thumbnail must
        fit in. Don't scale every image to a rectangular thumbnail but preserve
        the ratio instead!</para></note>

  <sect1 id="thumbsave"><title>Thumbnail Saving</title>

    <para>The thumbnail filename is determined by a hashfunction. This proposal
    utilizes <ulink
    as hash mechanism in the following way.
    <para>You need the absolute canonical URI for the original file, as stated
    in <ulink
    url="">URI RFC
    2396</ulink>. In particular this defines to use three '/' for local 'file:'
    resources (see example below).</para>
    <para>Calculate the MD5 hash for this URI. Not for the file it points to!
    This results in a 128bit hash, which is representable by a hexadecimal
    number in a 32 character long string.</para>
    <para>To get the final filename for the thumbnail just append a '.png' to
    the hash string. According to the dimension of the thumbnail you must store
    the result either in ~/.thumbnails/normal or ~/.thumbnails/large.
    An example will illustrate this:
    <example><title>Saving a thumbnail</title>
    Consider we have a file ~/photos/me.png. We want to create a thumbnail with
    a size of 128x128 pixel for it, which means it will be stored in the
    ~/.thumbnails/normal directory. The absolute canonical URI for the file in
    this example is file:///home/jens/photos/me.png.
    <para>The MD5 hash for the uri as a hex string is
    c6ee772d9e49320e97ec29a7eb5b1697. Following the steps above this
    results in the following final thumbnail path:</para>

    <sect2><title>Permissions</title> <para>A few words regarding permissions:
    All the directories including the ~/.thumbnails directory must have set
    their permissions to 700 (this means only the owner has read, write and
    execute permissions, see "man chmod" for details). Similar, all the files
    in the thumbnail directories should have set their permissions to 600. This
    way we assure that if a user creates a thumbnail for a file where only he
    has read-permissions no other user can take a glance on it through the
    backdoor with the thumbnails.</para> 

    <sect2><title>Concurrent Thumbnail Creation</title> <para>An important goal
    of this paper is to enable programs to share their thumbnails. This
    includes the occurences of concurrent accesses to the cache by different
    programs. Problems arise if two programs try to create a thumbnail for the
    same file at the same time. Because of this the following procedure is
    suggested: </para>
    <listitem><para>Check if the thumbnail already exists and if it's valid.</para>
    <listitem><para>If the above conditions are not fulfiled create the
    thumbnail and write it under a temporary filename onto the disk.</para>
    <listitem><para>Rename the temporary file to the thumbnail filename. Since
    this is an atomic operation the new thumbnail is either completely written
    or not.</para>
    This way the worst case is that a thumbnail will be written twice. However,
    the thumbnail is in a sane state at any time. </para>
    <para> The temporary file should be placed into the same directory as the
    final thumbnail, because then you are sure that they lay on the same
    filesystem. This guarantees a fast renaming of the temporary file. Using a
    combination of programname, process id and eg. first characters from the
    hash string should give a fairly unique temporary name.</para></note>

    <sect2><title>Advantages Of This Approach</title> 

      <para>Previously versions of this standard used a very different
      mechanism for storing thumbnails. But this one has some very important
      <para>Works for all kinds of possible file locations, since its based
      only on the textual URI representation of a file. This way files that are
      located on the locale filesystem or a samba, http, ftp or WebDAV server
      can be treated equally.</para>
      <para>It results in a flat directory hierarchy which assures fast
      access. Since the hash is always 32 characters long the thumbnail
      filename is exactly 36 characters long for every possible file (including
      the '.png' suffix).</para>
      <para>Due to the usage of the MD5 hash its unlikely that there occur
      clashes between two different thumbnails, even if it's theoretically
      possible. But the probability is very low and can be ignored in this
      context. The worst case would be that a thumbnail overwrites another
      valid one. Ok, if they have exactly the same modification time it is
      theoretically possible too that a wrong thumbnail for a file will be
      displayed (see <link linkend="modifications">Detect
      <para>It's very easy to implement.</para>
      <note><para>There do exist a lot of different library implementations for
      the MD5 hash algorithm. If you don't want to add yet another library
      dependency to support thumbnailing in your program you can eg. use the
      <ulink url="">RFC 1321
      implementation</ulink> by L. Peter Deutsch. It adds only 1.5kb sourcecode
      in two files to your project and can be used without much

    <sect1 id="modifications"><title>Detect Modifications</title>

     <para> One important thing is to assure that the thumbnail image displays
        the same information than the original, only in a downscaled
        version. To make this possible we use the modification time stored in
        the required <link linkend="addinfos">'Thumb::MTime' key</link> and
        check if it's equal the current modification time of the
        original. If not we must recreate the thumbnail. <example><title>Algorithm
        to check for modification.</title>
if (file.mtime != thumb.MTime) {
      recreate_thumbnail ();

      <note><para> It is not sufficient to do a <prompt>file.mtime >
         thumb.MTime</prompt> check. If the user moves another file
         over the original, where the mtime changes but is in fact lower than
         the thumbnail stored mtime, we won't recognize this modification.

      <para> If for some reason the thumbnail doesn't have the 'Thumb::MTime'
         key (although it's required) it should be recreated in any

      <para>There are certain circumstances where a program can't or don't want
      to update a thumbnail (eg. within a history view of your recently edited
      files). This is legally but it should be indicated to the user that an
      thumbnail is maybe outdated or not even checked for modifications.</para>

  <sect1 id="failures"><title>Thumbnail Creation Failures</title> 
    <para>Due to several reasons its possible that the generation of a thumbnail fails:
	  <para>The file format is unknown and cannot be loaded by the program.</para>
	  <para>The file format is known but the file is somehow broken and
	  thus cannot be read.</para>
	  <para> The generation of a thumbnail would take too long, due to the
             large size of the file.</para>

    <para>Under some circumstances a program want to preserve the information
       that the creation failed. Eg to avoid trying it again and again in the
       future. The problem is that the above mentioned issues are often program
       specific. Eg Nautilus can't read the native Gimp format xcf but of
       course Gimp can and could create thumbnails for them. Or one program
       uses a broken TIFF implementation which refuses to load an TIFF image
       but another one uses a correct implementation.</para>
    <para> Because of this, its best to save these failure information per
       program. In the <link linkend="dirstructure">Directory Structure</link>
       section there is already a 'fail' directory mentioned, which should be
       used for this. Every program must create a directory of it's own there
       with the name of the program appended by the version number
       (eg. <prompt>~/.thumbnails/fail/nautilus-1.0</prompt>).</para>

    <para> For every thumbnail generation failure the program creates an empty
       PNG file. If it's possible to obtain some additional information from
       the image (see <link linkend="addinfos">Store Additional
       Information</link>) they should be stored together with the thumbnail
       too, at least the required 'Thumb::MTime' and 'Thumb::URI' keys must be
       set.  The procedure for the saving of such a fail image is the same as
       described in <link linkend="thumbsave">Thumbnail Saving</link>. You must
       only use the application specific directory within
       <prompt>~./thumbnails/fail</prompt> instead of the size specific ones.
    <para>This approach has the advantage that a program can access information
       about a thumbnail creation failure the same way as it does with
       successfully generated ones.</para>

  <sect1 id="delete"><title>Deleting Thumbnails</title> 
    <para> The deletion of a thumbnail is somehow tricky. A general rule is
     that a thumbnail should be deleted if the orginial file doesn't exist
     anymore (Note: If it was only modified the thumbnail should be recreated
     instead). There are different ways how this can be achieved:</para>
     <para>If a filemanger is aware of this standard and deletes a file it
       could take care of deleting the thumbnail too.</para>
     <para>A daemon runs in the background which cleans up the cache in certain
     <para>The user can call a managing tool which lists all the thumbnails
       together with their original file paths. From there he can delete single
       images, all images where the orignial doesn't exist anymore or all
       images older than eg. 30 days.</para>
     <para>Another problem is that there are some URI schemes where it isn't
     directly possible to determine if the file exists or not. Eg. this applies
     to all the internet related schemes like http:, ftp: and so on when you
     don't have an internet connection. The same applies to removable media
     eg. a cdrom. </para>

     <para>The above mentioned managing tools should therefore consider
       the following rules:</para>
       <para>If the URI scheme specifies a local file (like the file: scheme)
       then it should check if the original file exists. If it doesn't exist
       anymore the program should delete the thumbnail.</para>
       <para>For all internet related schemes (like http: or ftp:) delete the
         thumbnail if it hasn't been accessed within a certain user defined
         time period (can default to 30 days).</para>
        <para>Removable medias should be considered too. Although this can't
        work for all systems in all cases reliable there are some heuristics
        which can be used. Eg. checking the fstab configuration file and look
        for the mount point of /dev/fd0 (floppy disk) or check if the CD-Rom
        drive is mounted under /cdrom. Thumbnails for removable media files
        should be handled as in the previous point.</para>
   <sect1 id="shared"><title>Local Thumbnail repositories</title>
   In some situations it is desirable to have a local thumbnail repository. This 
   is a read-only collection of thumbnails that is shared among different users or different 
   computers. For example a CD-ROM with images, could include the thumbnails for 
   these images such that they do not need to be generated for every user or computer
   accessing this CD-ROM.

   Because the URI of such an image is not constant (a CD-ROM for example can be mounted
   at different locations) the thumbnails should be in a relative path from the original 

   The location for local thumbnails will be
   <para>Within this directory are the same subdirectories as in the global thumbnail directory.</para>
   <para>The meaning of these directories is identical to their meaning in the global directory.</para>
   <para>The filename of the thumbnail is the md5sum of the filename part of
   the URI. Because the URI is possibly not constant, only the filename part of the 
   URI should be used, no directory parts.</para>
   <sect2><title>Creating thumbnails in a local thumbnail repository</title>
   A local thumbnail repository should be considered read-only. A program should never 
   add or update a thumbnail in the local thumbnail repository. Such a repository should only 
   be created on special request by the user. If a thumbnail is outdated or corrupt, a program 
   should create a new thumbnail in the global thubmnail repository, and not update the local
   thumbnail repository. 
   If the user specific requested the creation of a local thumbnail repository, the thumbnails
   can be created. Because the URI for local images is possibly not constant, this means that 
   the full URI can not be stored in the thumbnail. The URI field should, therefore, contain only 
   the filename, and no directory parts. All other properties, however, should be the 
   same as in the global repository, including the size. The permissions for local thumbnails 
   should be the same as their original images.</para>
   <sect2><title>Loading thumbnails from a local thumbnail repository</title>
   When loading thumbnails from a local thumbnail repository, the global repository 
   has a higher priority. If a thumbnail exists in the global thumbnail repository, this
   thumbnail should be used, and not the thumbnail from the local repository. 
   There is one exception to this rule. If the thumbnail in the global thumbnail repository
   is outdated or corrupt, the thumbnail from the local repository should be checked. If this 
   thumbnail is correct, the thumbnail in the global repository can be deleted and the thumbnail
   from the local collection can be used.

  <sect1 id="conclusion"><title>Conclusion</title> 

   <para> The proposed way of dealing with file previews fulfiles the
     requirements of a file type independent preview cache. It is relative
     easy to use, understand and implement. All these are important facts to
     allow it's wide spread.</para>

   <para>The next step will be to take these ideas to the applications. If a
   lot of users, coders and maintainers will cooperate on this, we can reach a
   new level of usability.</para>

  <sect1 id="thanks"><title>Thanks</title> 
   <para>The following people helped me to write this paper with a lot of
   suggestions, good ideas and constructive critism. They found serious bugs
   and problems in previous versions or helped me in another way. Thank you
   very much:
   Darin Adler (Gnome/Nautilus), 
   Alexander Larsson (Gnome/Nautilus), 
   Thomas Leonard (Rox Desktop), 
   Sven Neumann (Gimp), 
   Havoc Pennington (Gnome/, 
   Malte Starostik (KDE), 
   Owen Taylor (GTK), 
   and all I forgot to mention here.

  <sect1 id="links"><title>Links</title>
  <para>URI standard: <ulink
  <para>PNG standard: <ulink
  <para>MD5 hash algorithm: <ulink

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