Desktop Notifications Spec 0.4

Christian Hammond chipx86 at
Thu Sep 30 09:19:53 EEST 2004

Hey everyone.

The Desktop Notifications spec 0.4 is out, and available at:

It's a slightly different URL, so update your bookmarks, if you have
any set.

The major changes include:

 * Added <img/> support in the body (with size requirements and such).
 * Made restrictions on markup very clear.
 * Removed the High urgency, leaving just Low, Normal, and Critical.
 * Added new notification types.
 * Added an expires field to the D-BUS message.
 * Moved from an expiration timestamp to a timeout.

I think those are the main changes.

And no, sound and XML were not included in this release ;)


Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 at      <>
   Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the
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