Common xpdf version for GNOME and KDE

Ismael Olea ismael at
Wed Feb 16 16:14:59 EET 2005

El lun, 14-02-2005 a las 14:34 -0500, Bryan Clark escribió:

> >> 	* project name
> >Hmm, I guess that's the most difficult task :)
> >commonxpdf?
> Not that it matters to me, but I was going to recommend something either
> cool and crazy like Poppler [1] or do the usual magnetic poetry thing
> with the words "lib" "free" "desktop" "fdo" "pdf".

libxpdf, xpdflib, libfdo-xpdf or fdo-xpdflib?


        A. Ismael Olea González
        mailto:ismael at, la ONG sin futuro.
        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta OLEA

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