Emoticon theme specification Version 0.1

Rahul Sundaram rahulsundaram at yahoo.co.in
Sun Jan 9 19:14:40 EET 2005


> It might be interesting to make a freedesktop
> specification for emoticon 
> themes.  So any program (instent messaging, mail,
> newsgroup, ...) might use 
> it.  And users will like to find more emoticons
> themes for their favorite 
> application.
> I've specified it, the version 0.1 is there.
> http://kopete.kde.org/emoticons/emoticonspec.html

well since kopete already implements it, the next
thing would be talk to the gaim and gossip developers
to get their comments. if they agree then it
effectively becomes a defacto standard and then
hosting the spec would be pretty easy to do

Rahul Sundaram

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