applications-merged xml example

detlef oertel oertel at
Fri Jan 28 10:34:13 EET 2005

Hello Waldo,

thank you for the example,
I was near this, but I didn't had the double <menu> tags.

I will test it in the next days.


Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 January 2005 15:42, detlef oertel wrote:
>>I have problems to build a well formed and functional xml file for the
>>applications-merged directory.
>>The Desktop Menu Specification say in:
>>C. How to add your application to the menus
>>"Install an XML menu file to sysconfdir/desktop/menus/applications-merged/
>>to add any submenus, if your desktop entries aren't already included in
>>some common categories."
>>Is here anybody who can help me over the first step with an example file ?
> Yes, see the attached message.
>>And one second question: will be there a standard for the tasks:
>>- putting a .desktop file to the Desktop
>>- putting a .desktop file to Autostart?
> Let's hope so. At the moment I can only tell you how to do it in KDE. If you 
> run as normal user you can do so by using
> 	$(kde-config --userpath desktop)
> resp.
> 	$(kde-config --userpath autostart)
> If you run as root and want to install for all users on the system you can 
> use:
> 	$(kde-config --expandvars --install data)/kdesktop/Desktop
> resp.
> 	$(kde-config --expandvars --install data)/../autostart
> Cheers,
> Waldo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: adding menu items during installation
> From:
> Waldo Bastian <bastian at>
> Date:
> Thu, 3 Jun 2004 13:27:47 +0200
> To:
> kde-devel at
> To:
> kde-devel at
> User-Agent:
> KMail/1.6.52
> References:
> <33259. at>
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> <33259. at>
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> 1.0
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> Message-ID:
> <200406031327.47122.bastian at>
> On Thu June 3 2004 04:44, swmcquig at wrote:
>>>Hello -
>>>I have been searching for answers on how to add a menu item with submenu
>>>attached during application installation.  I have read about the menu
>>>editor and I am hoping someone would be kind enough to provide me with
>>>more information on .desktop and/or .directory file writing as this may or
>>>may not be a solution.  I have taken a look at a few items on the net and
>>>have viewed some of the .desktop and .directory files.  Some of what I
>>>have read has referred to XML files????  Please help.
>>>Summing my problem, I would like my installer to load the application,
>>>place an icon on the desktop, and add menu items to the menu.
> To install an application + submenu in the KDE menu see:
> For a submenu you will need to create a XML file describing the contents of 
> the menu and install it in /etc/xdg/menus/application-merged/
> You should install a .directory file for the menu in 
> $(prefix)/share/desktop-directories/ The directory file specifies which icon 
> to use and contains translations for the menu-title.
> For each individual menu-entry (that is part of the sub-menu) you must install 
> a .desktop file in $(prefix)/share/applications/
> $(prefix) is typically /usr, /usr/local or $KDEDIR
> Make sure you prefix all files with a vendor-id, e.g. "novell-" or "novell/". 
> If you write a non-commercial KDE application you can use "kde-" or "kde/".
> To install an icon on the desktop copy a .desktop file to:
> 	$(kde-config --userpath desktop)
> ===========================================================
> Menu Example
> ===========================================================
> The company ShinyThings Inc. creates an application WebMirror 1.0 and wants to 
> install WebMirror and WebMirror Admin Tool in the KDE menu in a submenu of 
> its own. It will use "shinythings" as vendor id.
> First of all we need two .desktop files:
> $(prefix)/share/applications/shinythings-webmirror.desktop:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Type=Application
> Exec=webmirror
> Icon=webmirror
> Name=WebMirror
> Name[nl]=WebSpiegel
> $(prefix)/share/applications/shinythings-webmirror-admin.desktop:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Type=Application
> Exec=webmirror-admintool
> Icon=webmirror-admintool
> Name=WebMirror Admin Tool
> Name[nl]=WebSpiegel Administratie Tool
> We also need a .directory file for the submenu:
> $(prefix)/share/desktop-directories/
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Icon=webmirror
> Name=WebMirror
> Name[nl]=WebSpiegel
> And finally, a .menu file that brings it all togther:
> /etc/xdg/menus/application-merged/
> <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 0.8//EN"
>           "">
> <Menu>
>   <Menu>
>     <Name>WebMirror</Name>
>     <Directory></Directory>
>     <Include>
>       <Filename>shinythings-webmirror.desktop</Filename>
>       <Filename>shinythings-webmirror-admin.desktop</Filename>
>     </Include>
>   </Menu>
> </Menu>
> Cheers,
> Waldo
> -- 
> bastian at  |   Novell BrainShare Europe 2004   |  bastian at
> bastian at  | 12-18 September, Barcelona, Spain |  bastian at


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