Unified autostart scripts directory

David Collier-Brown David.Collier-Brown at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 6 15:29:49 EEST 2005

ghee teo wrote:
>    Do you really want to support  autorun feature? It is  such a 
> security nightmare.
> Though it may seems nice, but the script could make to do anything, 
> including wiping out your harddisk, install a trojan horse even before 
> you realise it.
>   CDE on Solarirs used to support it and we had to take it out for this 
> simple reason.

	Unix still has profile files, though, which can be use 
	to play similar tricks: a colleague once dropped "logout" 
	into a csh .login file (:-))

	Unless you actually mean **root** autorun: the only
	program I know that has that is Samba, and it protects
	the commands (root preexec and postexec) against 
	unprivileged people.

David Collier-Brown,      | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems, Toronto | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at canada.sun.com     |                      -- Mark Twain
(416) 263-5733 (x65733)   |

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