Bookmarks shared among desktop environments

Fred Drake fdrake at
Thu May 26 04:09:58 EEST 2005

On 4/19/05, Dave Cridland <dave at> wrote:
> But we do need special treatment for attributes, since different
> attributes have different security considerations - "Last Visited" on
> a bookmark is very much private data, whereas "URL" is not.

This is not at all clear.  The privacy policy that should be applied
to any given data value should be determined separately from anything
else.  That someone has bookmarked, or visited, a particular URL may
be a very private matter indeed, whereas when I visited may be
completely immaterial.  Privacy policy should be enforced by the
export tool; how to inform the tool of the policy can be


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at>

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