.desktop Type requisition in menu spec

Carlos Garnacho carlosg at gnome.org
Tue Oct 4 11:24:39 PDT 2005

Hi all,

A little question regarding the desktop menu spec, wouldn't it be worth
to specify in the spec which .desktop Types do the menus accept? 

I was trying to add some .desktop files with Type=Link and realized that
they didn't show up in the GNOME menu, then learnt that it only
accepts .desktop entries with Type=Application or Type=Directory

Given that there isn't any directive in the spec regarding this issue,
other implementations could be doing this differently, so I think that
this should be specified by the spec to make sure that the behavior will
be consistent.

Now my personal opinion, given that some third party apps might want to
add in their menu entry an URL to their website or so (terrible
practice, I know...), maybe Link types should be handled too.

I hope that it will be taken in consideration


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