KDE/Gnome inconsistency in associations

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Fri Jan 6 13:29:24 EET 2006


I have noticed an inconsistency in the way KDE and Gnome treat 
ampersands in associations names. Here's an example to make things 
concrete. The attached file defines the application name as:

Name=Ampersand+foo &foo

If you put it in $HOME/.local/share/applications you will get the 
following entries in 'Open with...':

  * In Gnome 'Ampersand+foo &foo'
    That is the ampersand is not interpreted and is left as is.

  * In KDE 'Ampersand+foo foo' plus a keyboard shortcut for the letter 'f'.
    That is, KDE interpreted the ampersand and thus removed it from the 
application name. To avoid that, one must double the ampersand. But then 
one gets '&&' in Gnome.

The Desktop Entry Specification says nothing on the subject. Hence the 

Which of KDE or Gnome is right?

Francois Gouget
fgouget at codeweavers.com

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