Suggestion for name specification for extra drive and media icons

Robert Martin robertltux at
Mon Jan 23 01:00:18 EET 2006

On 1/22/06, Pierre Ossman <drzeus-list at> wrote:
> This is a suggestion for a extra specification or an addition to the
> icon naming specification to cover icons that can not be considered
> essential.
> When discussing the need for an icon for flash media in the new Tango
> icon set, it was suggested to assemble a list of media icons that would
> fall outside the core set.
> Since tango is a part of the new desire to bring order to the chaos that
> is icon names, it didn't seem right to me to suggest some icons only for
> the tango-extras set. That would use keep things as organised as
> previously with names specific to themes/desktop/what-not. Instead, I
> have another suggestion.
> As an addition to the standard icon naming specification, we have a
> second list of icon names. The names in this list are optional, in the
> sense that applications can not rely on them being present on any
> system.
> To have a consistent behaviour, the list also specifies a fallback icon
> from the base icon set. This fallback is used when the desired icon can
> not be found. Not sure how this should interact with theme inheritence
> though. Recursive fallbacks might also be something that could be added.
> Anyhoo, here's the first couple of entries for such a list. The
> media-flash icon might be difficult to find a good metaphor for.
> Provided the other media-flash-icons exist it might even be superfluous.
> == Drives ==
> Name:                           Fallback:
> drive-cdrom-usb                 drive-cdrom
> drive-cdrom-ieee1394            drive-cdrom
> drive-cdrom-scsi                drive-cdrom
> drive-harddisk-usb              drive-harddisk
> drive-harddisk-ieee1394         drive-harddisk
> drive-harddisk-scsi             drive-harddisk
> drive-removable-media-usb       drive-removable-media
> drive-removable-media-ieee1394  drive-removable-media
> drive-removable-media-scsi      drive-removable-media
> == Media ==
> Name:                           Fallback:
> media-cdrom-cda                 media-cdrom
> media-cdrom-cdr                 media-cdrom
> media-cdrom-cdrw                media-cdrom
> media-dvd                       media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvda                  media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvdram                media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvdrplus              media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvdrminus             media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvdrwplus             media-cdrom
> media-dvd-dvdrwminus            media-cdrom
> media-bluray                    media-cdrom
> media-hddvd                     media-cdrom
> media-flash                     media-removable-media
> media-flash-compactflash        media-removable-media
> media-flash-smartmedia          media-removable-media
> media-flash-sdmmc               media-removable-media
> media-flash-memorystick         media-removable-media
> media-flash-xd                  media-removable-media
> media-smartcard                 media-removable-media
> media-zip                       media-removable-media
> media-jar                       media-removable-media
> Comment, flame and suggest improvements. :)
> Rgds
> Pierre
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> xdg at
a suggestion for the Flash media group  how about a redish oval with a
white circle with a
lightning bolt (add the letters for the format for subtypes)

Robert L Martin

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