Multiple DeskTops, HiColor theme, standardized icon names, & menu icons

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Sun Jun 25 01:26:46 EEST 2006

Shaun McCance wrote:
> The remaining half is that I would rather not have
> to target Gnome's accessibility themes specifically.
> I don't know what KDE provides along these lines,
> but I would hate for Yelp not to use high contrast
> icons when run in high contrast under KDE.
> Does KDE have icons sets for various accessibility
> requirements?  I think we could easily just define
> a few common accessibility theme names, and then
> actual accessibility themes could just inherit
> from those.  Third-party packages could then just
> provide e.g. hicontrast icons whenever they also
> provide hicolor icons, and in exactly the same
> way.

Currently, KDEAccessibility installs an icon them called "Monochrome" 
{"mono" for short}.

Yes, it would be good to have standard names for accessibility icon 
themes.  It appears to me that the GNOME names would be fine.


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