Category for a desktop tool needed

Rodney Dawes dobey.pwns at
Fri Aug 10 05:28:41 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 13:10 +0200, Stanislav Brabec wrote:
> Rodney Dawes wrote:
> > This would also solve the "Accessibility" "issue" that Stanislav brought
> > up in his mail, wanting a category for "something that provides an
> > additional service, but isn't a standalone app 'window'".
> It still does not solve the problem, which secondary category fits the
> application (Service), which simply "makes desktop more usable".

"makes desktop more usable" is a subjective measurement, in this
example, not objective. The secondary category for a "Service" would
be related to the service it provides. For example, an OBEX FTP service
should have FileTransfer as an additional category. Vino would have
RemoteAccess. I don't think having additional categories for subjective
metrics such as "makes *my* desktop prettier for *me*" is appropriate
for a standardized specification.

On top of the secondary categories, we also have the reserved categories
for Screensaver, TrayIcon, and Applet to use. These probably all fit the
type of "apps" you want to have a new special Prettification category

-- dobey

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