User State Data

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Fri Feb 23 23:50:36 PST 2007

> Now, Ivan, I didn't understand the distinction between the two types of
> configuration files. Can you give us some more info?

The main config file is an XML-formated file which contains only the basic 
information about the application - category in which it resides 
("e-Mail", ...), app version (and similar suff), resources of that 
application ("e-mail", "configuration files", ...) and the location of the 
resources ("$KDE_HOME/...").

(the data within these files is cached through the sqlite3 for greater speed - 
so that there is no need to parse thousands of XML files every time the 
program starts)

Localization config file is basicaly .desktop formated file and it contains 
the localization strings for the names and the descriptions of the 
application resources.

I'm even thinking of removing any data that can be found in the 
application's .desktop file from the main database.


There is a better way of life and it's not so hard to find
If you live and let the people in your world speak its mind
    -- Deep Purple
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