"hicolor" algorithm clarification in Icon Theme Spec

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Mon Jan 8 05:17:05 PST 2007

On Sun, 2006-12-24 at 14:10 -0800, Octavio Alvarez Piza wrote:
> Sorry for the long lines in my initial message.
> Here is a proposed patch to fix the hicolor lookup in the pseudocode.

Yeah, that looks right. Commited it to cvs.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl at redhat.com    alla at lysator.liu.se 
He's a suave moralistic sorceror searching for his wife's true killer. She's a 
cosmopolitan kleptomaniac lawyer with the power to bend men's minds. They 
fight crime! 

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