VIO - Visual IO Agents
nf2 at
Tue Jan 23 08:17:40 PST 2007
hi, maybe you will find this interesting/worth discussing. i'm currently
on a prototype of:
VIO - Visual IO Agents
(a possible successor of KIO Slaves and Gnome-VFS modules)
one idea for VIO is to standardize the interface between clients
and vfs-protocol handlers (agents) by using a tiny point 2 point
socket communication library written in plain C that protocol
handlers can be used in a cross-desktop way.
the second idea is that access to remote resources can be provided
by ordinary gui-based applications. (something
similar old fashioned gftp, winscp, file-roller, kftp...), but with
a stripped down gui, most of the time resting as (blinking)
icon in the systray.
you would just launch such a client application, connect to a server
or open a zip-file and the resource would become accessible to *all*
applications and filemanagers through a local socket in the tmp dir:
thus, there would probably be no need for standardizing login dialogs,
password storage interfaces, remembering locations etc...
the user would have full control on
connections, he can monitor them, cancel them etc...
mounting a resource means launching an agent, by pressing the
agents "close" butten the resource is unmounted. there could be a
"preferred protocol handler" config table somewhere to enable
auto -launching.
it doesn't matter if the user runs the kde, gnome or whatever
implementation of such a "protocol - provider",... the development
of protocol-handlers would become completely decoupled from
desktop development...
the design of libvio would be quite simple -
just scanning the /tmp/vio-{username}/ directory for sockets and
getting file/directory access through a
simple binary point to point socket protocol...
currently i see no need for a centralized "vio-daemon".
excerpt of the documentation:
VIO Agents
Vio agents provide acess to certain virtual file-system
resources through a socket protocol. They can run as seperate process
or inside the client as threads.
There are four types of VIO-Agents
have a GUI and accept multiple connections through a
local socket in a specified directory:
/tmp/vio-{username}/ftp_user at
they handle protocols like ftp:, smb:, zip:...
they usually run as one instance per resource
(like user at and act as a kind of proxy.
you can think of them as stripped down versions of
applications like gftp, kftp, file-roller,...
they might be minimized to the systray and only
pop up for authentication, etc...
the user can monitor activity, control them, close them
with their the GUI.
are launched by the client application and usually don't
have a GUI. they handle local resources like file:, computer:
usually they are single threaded like KIO slaves.
communication goes through a pair of pipes - usually stdin/stdout
of the agent process.
same as 2) but running inside the client as threads, using
a socket-pair for communication.
like 2) or 3) but handle special tasks like file-copying,
monitoring, launching etc...
VIO Library (libvio)
both sides - the clients and agents link to the small C-library
libvio provides a low level API to launch and communicate with VIO agents
and to run vio-jobs. the interface is message-loop style
on the client-side and KIO-SlaveBase style on the agent side.
on the client side it is designed in a way that various nicer high-level
synchronous and asynchronous APIs (like KIO::Jobs, Gnome-VFS and
future g-vfs can be wrapped around.
public interface to be used on the client side:
vio.h, vio_file.h, vio_codes.h
public interface to be used on the agent side:
vio_agent.h, vio.h, vio_file.h, vio_codes.h
VIO Job types:
get : read entire file
put : write entire file
file : open/read/write/seek file
ls : read directory
copy : copy file
move : move file
stat : get filinfo
charttrs : change file attributes
mkdir : create directory
rmdir : remove directory
delete : remove file
VIO Socket Protocol
The transport mechanism in vio is
message-container based.
the wire format of the messages looks like this:
[ 16 byte header ; body: byte array ]
typedef struct {
int magicNr;
int sequenceNr; /* sequence number (job id) */
int typeID; /* message type */
int bodySize;
} VioTransMsgHeader;
a connection can only handle one job at a time, der sequenceNr is
only used to throw away messages from previous jobs (like cancel
messages which arrived too late)
concurrent jobs will trigger launching another agent (for
private agents) or opening a second connection to a shared
the internal tranport machanism is defined in vio_trans.h.
Structure type messages (like directory entries) often hold their
data in a VioTransStruct - a dictionary type (like KIO:UDSEntry)
which can be serialized. see vio_trans_struct.h.
D-Bus will not be used for the core tasks of VIO, but might be used
for file/dir change notification and for emitting agent
startup/shutdown events. not sure yet.
VIO Messages
VioMessage is a kind of variant data type, which has the following fields
- depending on the message type. VioMessage is the data-type visible
to the library user. access to the fields is provided
through getter and setter functions. you should never access the
internal structs directly.
pseudo definition of message types and fields:
COMMAND_* Message # invoke a job
location : viofile
(targetLocation) : viofile # for copy/move operations
commandOptions : enum
/* agent redirection happens when an agent cannot handle a task
himself. he might delegate the job to a child agent for instance. */
specialAgent : enum # for instance the "file copy agent" /
otherwise 0
socketName/Port : string/int
total : size
count : size
validFields : bit[]
unit : enum # unit of the "total", "count" fields
# (bytes, percent,...)
stage : enum # authentication, waiting, connecting,
downloading, uploading...
data : byte[]
size : size
location : viofile
name : string
user : string
group : string
hasPermissions : bool
permissions : bit[]
size : size
iconname : string
hasMimetype : bool
mimetype : string
CANCEL Message
ERROR Message
code : enum
message : string
returnValue : enum
willLiveUntil : date # date when the connection will be
become invalid
# and might be closed.
# connection should not be reused after
this "date"
Message-Communication Schemes
___ GET Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_GET ========>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
<===== DATA_CHUNK =====+
<===== DATA_CHUNK =====+
<===== DATA_CHUNK =====+
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
___ PUT Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_PUT ========>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
+===== DATA_CHUNK =====>
+===== DATA_CHUNK =====>
+===== DATA_CHUNK =====>
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
___ COPY Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_COPY =======>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
see COPY Job
___ LS Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+====== CMD_LS ========>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
<===== FILE_INFO =======
<===== FILE_INFO =======
<===== FILE_INFO =======
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
___ STAT Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_STAT =======>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
<===== FILE_INFO =======
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_COPY =======>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
___ FILE Job ___
[client] ... [agent]
+===== CMD_FILE =======>
<---- REDIR2AGENT------+
<----- PROGRESS(*) ----+
+===== READ N =========>
<===== DATA_CHUNK =====+
+===== DATA_CHUNK =====>
<===== WRITE_ACK ======+
+====== SEEK ==========>
<====== SEEK_ACK ======+
-------- CANCEL ------->
<------- ERROR --------+
+====== CLOSE =========>
<===== DONE/FAILED ====+
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