[Wasabi] FOSDEM conclusions - finalizing the search spec

jamie jamiemcc at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 17:10:52 EET 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 22:52 +0800, Fabrice Colin wrote:
> On 3/13/07, jamie <jamiemcc at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> > 1) in tracker the service type being searched is mandatory - I would
> > prefer it to be a session property or even better a param in the
> > NewSearch method. If it remains part of the xml then that bit should be
> > mandatory in the xml schema/dtd
> >
> Wouldn't it be possible for you guys to default to all service types, unless
> something like :
>   <equals>
>     <property name="wasabi:service"/>
>     <string caseSensitive="false">EMail</string>
>   </equals>
> is specified in the query ?

Its possible for us to do a search everything but it would mean more
work for us as our current architecture is highly service dependant.

Unless there is a need to search everything (and Im not sure there is?)
its unlikely we will implement it.


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