
Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Mar 29 14:58:10 PDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 23:52 +0200, Holger Macht wrote:
> I don't why it's only me seeing the problem here? You want to have
> Shutdown() and Reboot() on _every_ system, but not mandatory the other
> methods. If you don't have a pm application providing "the other"
> methods,
> you need to implement them somewhere else to meet the spec's
> requirements. And that seems wrong to me. If you need to implement
> them a
> second time, you could do it right at the one place where you need
> them
> compulsory, the desktop base. You won't need a pm app then.

I don't think you need to define the interface in the desktop
base. I think saying "at least something will provide" is good
enough; for instance:

XFCE can just build the interface into the base session layer with a
thin wrapper around HAL
GNOME can use gnome-power-manager
KDE can use kpowersaved or guidance-power-manager

but as far as an ISV is concerned, the software can call Shutdown and
the session powers down nicely.

> Anyway, in consideration of David's mail and what importance he gives
> to
> that spec, I really like to hear more comments from the desktop
> people.

Yes, this would be great.


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