
Luca Cappelletti luca.cappelletti at
Sat Sep 22 02:11:26 PDT 2007

On 9/21/07, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
> This means you can only run one instance of the app at the same time.

What you mean and the real life regard "one istance...", how doi differ from
a standard app installation like you can do today with apt-get yum etc etc?
I do'nt see diferences from SpatialBundles and standard installations in
terms of accessibility of multiply istances.Probably I do not understand
what you mean .
If you take for example ioXournal, I can click on the bundle 10 times and
I'll have 10 different windows istances.Concurrently another user could do
the same think so we have 20 separated istances divided into 2
users.Usingthe same bundle!!!

Maybe you can use the /proc/self/fds/ symlink hack used in glick
> instead.

 Yes I'm investigating.This is an elegant solution but, for me, seems Linux
kernel 2.6 closed.
Do your glick /proc/self proxy works well under *BSD? XNU/*Darwin*/OSX?Is it
really cross?

Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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