request for a GPE Registered Category

Stanislav Brabec sbrabec at
Wed Apr 16 06:58:56 PDT 2008

Vincent Untz wrote:

> Well, does it really make sense to have GNOME, KDE, etc. categories if
> we have OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn? I don't see how useful those categories
> could be. I guess the idea was really to not have GNOME as in "Desktop
> Environment" but as "using the GNOME platform", but I'm not sure if it's
> really useful...

openSUSE GNOME defaults script uses these Categories to define preferred
application for particular MIME type:

1.-3. Installed application mentioned in special lists.
4. Installed application with GNOME in Categories.
5. Installed application with GTK in Categories.
6. Installed application.

For example:
No application using keyword GNOME in Categories can open MIME type

What to prefer now? One would prefer application with GPE or XFCE in
Categories (and don't contain OnlyShowIn or NotShowIn=GNOME) over Qt or
KDE, as they look less "alien" in GNOME desktop.

I guess that other desktop environments may want similar preference

Best Regards / S pozdravem,

Stanislav Brabec
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                          e-mail: sbrabec at
Lihovarská 1060/12           tel: +420 284 028 966, +49 911 740538747
190 00 Praha 9                                  fax: +420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                          

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