change thumbnailer spec to fit better with xdg-basedir spec

Sven Neumann sven at
Fri Apr 18 12:24:26 PDT 2008


On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 20:40 -0400, Martin Meyer wrote:

> For GNOME, I think that only libgnomeui and glib will have to be
> patched. I believe that every app which involves thumbnails uses these
> two libraries  (though it eventually should be glib exclusively) to
> handle thumbnails.

That is a wrong assumption. GIMP is not strictly a GNOME application and
doesn't use libgnomeui. Thumbnail handling in GIMP is implemented by
means of libgimpthumb.

I am willing to do the necessary changes to libgimpthumb for GIMP 2.6.
But for this particular change it would be nice to have a well-defined
migration behavior. Just saying that some code in libgnomeui is
responsible for the migration is not going to work.


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