Notification spec issue: Ability to assign an icon *and* an image to a notification

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Thu Jun 25 14:18:52 PDT 2009

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 06/25/2009 12:52 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> c) this particular request actually has a very real purpose behind it: it's
>> confusing naming, and some of us would like to see a full notifications
>> specification landed at some point that includes not just visual notifications
> Could you explain this a bit more?  What other kinds of notifications 
> are there, and how are they not served by the current spec?  My 
> understanding is that the current spec was designed with the potential 
> for a non-GUI logging daemon in mind as well, but I guess you're talking 
> about something else...?

Well, from various existing software examples:

Logging (good for servers too)
SMS (mostly servers)
IM (mostly servers)

You can actually see a very good example of the shortcomings of a
visual-only spec if you look at Growl on OS X.  Many programs use it for
visual notifications, and then have to implement their own notifications
to be delivered via audio or one of the other above methods.  Wouldn't
it be nice if you had a spec where the user could define how they wanted
*all* types of their notifications to be delivered?


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