Notification spec issue: Ability to assign an icon *and* an image to a notification

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at
Fri Jun 26 05:37:54 PDT 2009

Marco Martin wrote:

> sound themes.
> for many notification types is better a short and unobtrusive sound that a 
> long mechanized text-to-speech thinghie, that is useful of course for 
> accessibility, but can be annoying for general use

The spec already lets you assign a sound to a notification. I am just
not sure any implementation is capable of playing it back at the moment.

> what i don't think is possible now is to choose what kind of notification i 
> want actually show and what just log, what to show and sms and so forth.

True. This is something which would probably only be possible with a new
backward-incompatible spec.


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