shared-mime: Including generated files

David Persson davidpersson at
Tue Mar 24 09:53:25 PDT 2009

Nevermind I already got some clarification on the usage.
Sorry for bothering the mailing list with this issue.

So for further reference:

As long as I do only lookups and don't modify the generated file or
modify the software that generates the file I'm fine.

The older post seems to confirm this:

"You don't have to release programs which just call update-mime-database
or use the results under the GPL."

Keep up the wonderful work!


David Persson schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of a CakePHP plugin[1] which is MIT licensed.
> I implemented the spec and wrote a parser in PHP for the magic and globs
> files[2] generated by the update-mime-database command from the
> shared-mime package.
> Can I distribute those files with the plugin without affecting the
> plugins license?
> For me it remains unclear if those generated files are counting as
> derivative works and are therefore GPL'ed?
> It would be really comfortable for users to have them shipped with the
> plugin as they are possibly the best maintained mime dbs around.
> -David
> P.s.: There was a similiar question 4 years ago: [3]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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