shared mime info: URI scheme handlers for non browsers

Scrool scroolik at
Mon Oct 17 11:23:02 PDT 2011


I'd like to ask you for clarification of "URI scheme handlers" section
in Shared MIME-info Database spec. Quote from last paragraph:

"Note that this virtual mime-type is not for listing URI schemes that
an application can load files from. For example, a movie player would
not list x-scheme-handler/http in its supported mime-types, but it
would list x-scheme-handler/rtsp if it supported playing back from
RTSP locations."

a) Let's have a video player that uses HTTP to download a movie and
its subsequent play. This player should not register
x-scheme-handler/http, right?
b) Another video player that uses HTTP as a transport protocol for
video streaming. This player may register x-scheme-handler/http?


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