
Alice Wonder alicewonder at shastaherps.org
Wed Apr 24 23:48:13 PDT 2013

First : how come when I type "udev" (without the quotes) in to Search
box I get no results? I know you host the API docs, and that udev is now
part of systemd which you also host.

Secondly, how come when I look for a contact page to send the webmaster
a note about the very unfriendly search, it instructs me to send a
message to yet another damn mailing list that I personally have no
interest in whatsoever?

Exact wording is `any comments or questions about this sit eplease send
a message to the xdg list.'

I have never, not once, ever, in over a decade of Linux use ever had to
subscribe to a mailing list for the purpose of notifying a webmaster
about broken functionality (such as inability to get results when
searching for something like udev)

Sorry for my attitude, really I am, but this is just broken.

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