Removing OnlyShowIn / NotShowIn from desktop actions

Lars Uebernickel lars at
Wed Jul 3 07:15:45 PDT 2013

On 07/02/2013 06:09 PM, Ted Gould wrote:
> The use case was two fold.  First there was concern that some desktops
> might not want to implement the actions or might implement them
> differently.  It's also possible that desktops could put different sets
> of actions in different places.  For instance, the Unity Launcher vs.
> the Messaging Menu.  This way some items could be in one, the other, or
> both depending on how the values are set.

I agree that it seems like it might be useful for applications to show 
actions only in specific parts of the UI. However, I can't find an 
application that does this right now for the messaging menu.

Also, this goes against the spec, because "MessagingMenu" is not a 
registered value. This leads to funny things like [1] in practice. I 
think if we want to put actions not only on different desktops but also 
on different parts of a desktop, we'd need to amend the spec.

> It seems to me like they are using the values correctly, but have been
> set more specific than you'd prefer.  I'd imagine that most upstreams
> would be willing to accept patches to adjust the values if GNOME Shell
> is getting support for them.

Definitely. I think we should just discourage their use in general, but 
keep them to enable some specific use-cases (for example "Open Window on 
a New Workspace" wouldn't work on all desktops, and "Start Minimized" 
makes no sense in GNOME shell).



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