mime apps specification

Jasper St. Pierre jstpierre at mecheye.net
Fri Apr 4 13:54:01 PDT 2014

On Apr 3, 2014 4:31 AM, "David Faure" <faure at kde.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 03 April 2014 01:39:27 Luc Menut wrote:
> > The previous freedesktop specification was
> > http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/mime-actions-spec
> > I guess it will be deprecated by the current proposal.
> Yes. That wasn't even a spec, just a current state of affairs :)
> As soon as I push the spec I'll update that wiki page to point to the
> > What about KDE's InitialPreference and Gnome's defaults.list?
> > IIUC, I guess that they are deprecated too, and will be respectively
> > replaced by kde-mimeapps.list and gnome-mimeapps.list.
> Yes.
> > But at which level? "application vendors" (=
> No. Application here means ISVs. E.g. if a third-party application like
> Google Earth, etc. absolutely wants to make itself default upon

This seems like a poor choice to me. Do we have any use cases for this? It
seems to me like this would be giving the app the RealPlayer API, which is
not something I'm comfortable doing. DPNH

> The recommended location for the initial kde-mimeapps.list and gnome-
> mimeapps.list provided by the distribution (or by kde/gnome themselves
> compiling from source) is $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/$xdc-mimeapps.list
> > The proposed lookup order = preferences order is
> > users > sys-admin > vendors > distribution
> Depends what you mean by vendor. If you mean KDE, it's part of the
> distribution. If you mean Skype, it's at the same level as sysadmins.
> > If desktop environments install their default preferences
> > ($xdc-mimeapps.list) at vendors level, desktop environments preferences
> > will override distribution preferences (when they overlap).
> No, distributions will adjust the desktop environment preferences.
> > Then, if a distribution wants to modify a desktop environment preference
> > for a mimetype, the only way seems to patch the desktop environment
> > $xdc-mimeapps.list? or have I missed something?
> Yes. Is there a strong need to keep the "upstream mimeapps.list"
unchanged? It
> just seems to add yet another level in the list, which is already quite
> --
> David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
> Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5
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