Unhappy with xdg-user-dirs

Vladimir Kudrya vladimir-csp at yandex.ru
Mon Aug 3 01:56:45 PDT 2015

On the other hand, the issue is valid. There could be a question pop-up 
that asks if user wants to create directories. Or at least an info 
pop-up that informs that certain dirs were created. These dirs are 
useful only if graphical session is installed anyway.
There is also an issue with localization (make links instead of renaming 
dirs) which hangs in bug tracker for a long time.

On 2015-08-03 11:44, Bart van Strien wrote:
> On 03/08/15 01:22, "Thomas U. Grüttmüller" wrote:
>> I am a Debian user, and found today that a program called
>> “xdg-user-dirs” had created, without my approval, the following empty
>> folders in my home directory:
>> I am very unhappy with this situation, because I did not actively chose
>> to install “xdg-user-dirs”. I don’t know why it was installed at all, as
>> none of the packages I use depend on it.
> Hello Thomas,
> It seems to me your primary issue is that xdg-user-dirs was installed 
> by default and/or without your consent. Rather than blame the software 
> for existing, it may make much more sense to talk to your distribution 
> maintainers (debian in this case), and ask them to remove the package 
> from a default install, or from the repositories entirely.
> Regards,
> Bart van Strien
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