xdg-utils does not implement the standard for default applications

Reuben Thomas rrt at sc3d.org
Tue Oct 4 21:07:39 UTC 2016

On 4 October 2016 at 21:05, Maxwell Anselm <silverhammermba at gmail.com>

> For a specific example of what I'm talking about with XML, I package an
> RPG utility for Arch Linux called gcs. gcs mainly uses XML files for its
> data, for example *.spl files are XML files with a spell_list root element
> that store magic spell information. If I want it to be possible to double
> click one of these files and have gcs open as the default application, I
> need to register a new MIME type: gcs obviously can't handle arbitrary XML
> files, and *.spl is also used for Shockwave Flash files. Now if the file
> devs really want to push an update so that it correctly identifies gcs
> spell list files, go right ahead, but personally I would find that kind of
> ridiculous for such an obscure and specialized utility (though if you do,
> please use application/x-gurps-spell so that I don't have to update my
> package ;P).

​Generally new patterns are added as they're supplied. File can detect all
sorts of funny formats, and there's no criterion of importance. Please do
supply some patterns, and, especially for an unusual format, test files!

Ways to contribute listed here: http://www.darwinsys.com/file/ (bug tracker
or mailing list)​

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