user languages

Simon Lees sflees at
Mon Aug 21 00:37:28 UTC 2017

On 19/08/17 10:25, Mubarak AlQahtani wrote:
> Dear All,
> One of the user's aspects is languages that he speak (or at least
> understand), so is it mandatory for the operating system (i.e Desktop
> environment softwares) to know the preferred languages ( defaults )?!!
> As a programmer I prefer if the DE has some defaults info for each user.
> not sure under what category it should be but its user's info.
> Thanks
> Mubarak AlQahtani

This can still be handled via the general locale handling so all a DE
should have to do is query locale, see


Simon Lees (Simotek)                  

Emergency Update Team                 
SUSE Linux                           Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30
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