
Sparr sparr0 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 19:13:46 UTC 2020

While ConverseJS is available as a web app, that does not seem relevant to
the package you've linked. That package does not use the actual
hosted-on-the-internet web app. It deploys a local instance of the
conversejs codebase and connects to that with a local browser. In effect,
this is no different from apps like Visual Studio Code, Slack, Discord, etc
which package a browser (electron) and a backend (usually javascript) that
runs locally.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 12:03 PM Genghis Khan <genghiskhan at gmx.ca> wrote:

> Friends, good evening
>   Allow me to begin and state, that no matter how big an operation is
> and no matter which industry (i.e. Computing, Entertainment etc.), it
> appears that we ALWAYS HAVE TO make Trials & Errors in order for us to
> observe and see what we want for our audience, even in times we don't
> trust our own judgement.
>   I have stumbled upon an ArchLinux package[0] made specifically for a
> WebApp called Converse.js[1] by XMPP community members.
>   That package deploys Epiphany (A GNOME web browser) and npm (A
> package manager for javascript).
>   Regardless of what anyone thinks of the planning of that
> WebApp-specific-package, I think it might be a good call for
> considering Type=Webappn in .desktop launchers.
> [0]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/conversejs-epiphany-git/
> [1]: https://conversejs.org/
> Kind regards,
>   --GK
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