[Xesam] Why is vendor.maxhits read-only?

Anders Rune Jensen anders at iola.dk
Tue Dec 18 03:02:53 PST 2007

On Dec 18, 2007 11:48 AM, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
<mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com> wrote:
> > So far I can work around all of this, but it really would be much
> > nicer to have those two interfaces.
> Would it not be just as good had you had a xesam client lib (exposing
> these features) with GObjects for C#?

Not if I want performance. Lets say I want to get metadata from beagle
for 1000 files. In current beagle-xesam-adaptor this translates into
40 dbus calls of 25 results just to get all the results. Furthermore I
have to do 10 seperate searches since beagle will only return me 100
hits per search and I can't change this in any way even though the
native beagle api allows me to do it.

I know the current api is optimized for returning results used in a
page-style. But it's really sad that if you want to use it in another
way you have to jump through hoops to get it to do that :-)

Anders Rune Jensen

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