[Xesam] Wrapping up for Xesam Search Spec RC3

Evgeny Egorochkin phreedom.stdin at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 04:31:00 PDT 2008

В сообщении от Tuesday 19 August 2008 23:07:53 Michael Albinus написал(а):
> "Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen" <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > We need to get Xesam RC3 out in good time before the hackfest. I
> > personally hope at somewhere near the 1st of September, which should
> > give a little time for people to update their code before the
> > hackfest.
> >
> > I just flushed my buffers onto: http://xesam.org/main/XesamUpdates. Be
> > sure to read it.
> Here are some points I've accumulated last weeks. I should have raised
> them earlier, but now there's the finish for RC3 ...
> Typos in Ontology:

> - Descriptions end sometimes with period, sometimes not. Maybe it could
>   be unified?

I think of descriptions as something displayed on mouse-over. Usually these 
messages don't end with a period. But when you have several sentences, it's 
somewhat strange not to end the last one with  period. I don't know what is 
better :)

> - xesam:ContactGroup, xesam:replyTo, xesam:FreeBusy,
>   xesam:musicBrainzAlbumArtistID, xesam:musicBrainzAlbumID,
>   xesam:musicBrainzArtistID, xesam:musicBrainzFingerprint,
>   xesam:musicBrainzTrackID, xesam:contentCategory, xesam:sourceCategory:
>   Why are the descriptions links?

Sorry, I don't understand.

Other typos are fixed now.

> Other questions in Ontology:
> - xesam:author: Why is it a list of strings? The description says
>   "Primary contributor", which is singular.
> - xesam:contributor: If it is a list of strings, the description shall
>   say "Secondary contributors".

It depends on how you treat this. Basically the field itself is indeed 
singular, but it can be set several times :)

> - xesam:isEncrypted: I don't understand the meaning as list of
>   booleans. How are the respective values (true, false) mapped to the
>   parts?

IsEncrypted has two children, so they may end up both being set to 
something... this is a gray area of sorts. In reality this field is of course 
going to be a single value.

> - xesam:paragrapCount: Shouldn't this be "xesam:paragraphCount"?

Was already fixed in my local copy...

> - xesam:eventTransparrent: Shouldn't this be "xesam:eventTransparent"?


> - xesam:imdbId: Shouldn't this be "xesam:imdbID", like the other
>   xesam:...ID fields?


> - xesam:taskCompleted, xesam:taskDue, xesam:taskPercentComplete: What
>   do the lists mean, when it is a single task?


> - Sometimes, xesam:summary or xesam:snippet return "highlighted" text
>   (hits enclosed by <b>...</b>, for example). Is it possible to get an
>   indication for this? It influences, how the summary (or snippet) is
>   visualized by the Xesam client.

What kind of indication do you need?

> - If possible, I would like to get the line number for a given hit. Is
>   this xesam:lineCount? If yes, the description shall be precised. If
>   not ... are there still chances for a new attribute?

Only fields from searchresult.rdfs are search result-specific. there's no line 
number field atm. Feel free to raise this issue on the ml more prominently as 
it seems like nobody noticed so far...

> - Definitely for post-1.0-release: I miss attributes, describing hits
>   in a bug database, like Debian BTS, Bugzilla, ...

Topic ontologies aren't supposed to be provided by xesam. We try to provide a 
solid base, that is something that'd be used by many people. However if you 
feel like xesam is missing certain generic properties for which you want to 
add children, we'd like to know.

> - What is the equivalent to Google's site clause (like site:example.com)?
>   Is it xesam:originURL? xesam:remoteServer? Maybe it can be documented.
 For documents sourced from http urls, it's xesam:remoteServer.

Thanks for your feedback.

-- Evgeny

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