[Xesam] condition of 1.0 ?

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 14:03:10 PDT 2009

2009/4/23 Roberto Guido <bob4mail at gmail.com>:
> On Thursday 23 April 2009 16:16:01 you wrote:
>> and it seems that a lot of the
>> high-profile FOSS projects are moving towards the Nepomuk ontologies.
> Until a Xesam specification isn't out, it seems obvious people will follow the
> coolest and most hype'd project of the moment.
> Anyway, I feel both Xesam and Nepomuk lack some degree of integration with
> existing formats used above all across the web, but this is a too complex
> concept to be summarized here, too poorly detailed to be exposed as a
> proposal, too destructive about existing specifications, and I've read too
> little documentation to be sure myself of this.
> Let's think about 1.0, now ;-)

There is much right in what you say. One: its counter productive to
get into a meta-discussion at this point. Two: This discussion will be
very very long :-)

>> I simply got suck up into
>> starting out a new company in my spare time as well as having
>> incredibly busy times in my day time job.
> Is there any task which may be delegated to someone else, me for example?

Maybe... Here's a rundown of what needs to be done:

 * We had some bugs with our RDFS -> MoinMoin script (which I just
fixed this and updated the wiki  pages)

 * Copy (or "branch") the pages in the bulleted list on
http://xesam.org/main/XesamSearchUnstable to versions ending with a
100, like fx: copy http://xesam.org/main/XesamSearchAPI to
http://xesam.org/main/XesamSearchAPI100. Like you see in the other two
releases listed on the front page.

 * Fix all links in the newly copied *100 pages so that they point to
the other *100-versions

 * Make a Xesam100 page just like we have for Xesam95 and Xesam90

 * With all this done, run a custom script of mine that collects all
the relevant pages and create PDFs


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