[Xesam] xesam website

Roberto Guido bob4mail at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 04:13:21 PDT 2009

On Thursday 30 April 2009 07:44:12 Ivan Frade wrote:
> but if
> somebody offers to configure a CMS... i wouldn't refuse! :)
If Mikkel agrees, and due his low availability of spare time, I can do it if I 
can obtain access to the server. Or better: I can bring up a prototype of the 
new website on my own server, and when it is approved I can migrate that on 
the final store.
Anyone disagree on the engagement of a CMS?

>  I can help with the content part of the web revamp.
It would be very appreciated, due my lacks in English language :-P

Roberto -MadBob- Guido

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