[Xesam] oscaf/xesam ontology merge: who is going to maintain/edit what?

Arun Raghavan arun at accosted.net
Thu Jun 4 11:38:33 PDT 2009

2009/6/4 Roberto Guido <bob4job at gmail.com>:
>> Please give me an account and point me to the "welcome to freedesktop"
>> page explaining how things work
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/AccountRequests

I guess this is only required once we get the git repository going.
Nothing stopping us from using the Xesam product on

For data, we can use the wiki on http://xesam.org/ ?

> I also would need an account, but I remember someone in this list
> already mentioned some action in Freedesktop to obtain resources about
> ontologies development hosting: any news?

I'd held off on this while there was still debate going on. A bit tied
up for a few days, so if someone can take this forward, it would be
great. If not, will try to file a bug about it over the weekend.

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com

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