[xliff-tools] Re: Second draft

Asgeir Frimannsson asgeirf at redhat.com
Fri Mar 4 15:51:43 PST 2005

Hi Rodolfo,

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 23:41, you wrote:
> I wonder what happened with the second draft of the PO File
> Representation Guide. It was scheduled for Feb 25 and there isn't
> anything new in CVS.

Sorry, I have had two very busy weeks, and haven't had time to do as much as I 

> Do you need any help?

I was thinking maybe it's better if we organise the guide as a wiki-page, 
allowing easier editing & changes? I will port what I've done on the second 
draft so far over to the wiki over the weekend. Then we can easier discuss 
stuff on the mailing-list and (any of us) directly update the guide.

I'll try and contact some fd.org admins on irc this weekend (not much response 
from sitewranglers..) in regard to setting up your account. I've done it once 
allready, but since it's still not done I'll try again..

In other news, I'm also working on a workshop-presentation for 2nd Asia 
Pacific Workshop on Software i18n 
[http://sky.fit.qut.edu.au/~hogan/apwsi2005/], as well as a journal paper on 
the topic of supporting XLIFF in open source localisation.

Finally, FYOI, the draft of the HTML representation guide is now available 
from http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200503/msg00001.html


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