[xliff-tools] Another question on PO and XLIFF

Karl Eichwalder ke at suse.de
Wed May 4 05:59:02 PDT 2005

Tim Foster <Tim.Foster at Sun.COM> writes:

> Yep, we're doing this for .po files - though we still need to come up
> with some more cleverness though to check for the GNU formatting type
> comment and apply the appropriate escaping mechanism (right now, we just
> try c-format for po files)

There is also the no-wrap flag--if it isn't set, '\n' handling in the
middle of a message is undefined. Newlines at the beginning or at the
end of a message are always critical.

no-wrap is important, if you want to convert .xml files with screen like
elements into .po files.

Key fingerprint = B2A3 AF2F CFC8 40B1 67EA  475A 5903 A21B 06EB 882E

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