[xliff-tools] Another question on PO and XLIFF

Asgeir Frimannsson asgeirf at redhat.com
Wed May 4 06:33:01 PDT 2005

Hi Karl,

On Wed, 4 May 2005 22:59, Karl Eichwalder wrote:
> Tim Foster <Tim.Foster at Sun.COM> writes:
> > Yep, we're doing this for .po files - though we still need to come up
> > with some more cleverness though to check for the GNU formatting type
> > comment and apply the appropriate escaping mechanism (right now, we just
> > try c-format for po files)
> There is also the no-wrap flag--if it isn't set, '\n' handling in the
> middle of a message is undefined. Newlines at the beginning or at the
> end of a message are always critical.
> no-wrap is important, if you want to convert .xml files with screen like
> elements into .po files.

I'm not sure I really understand what you're saying here. Surely, for software 
messages as processed by the GNU Gettext tools, no-wrap is simply a flag 
saying "don't split (or word-wrap) strings longer than page with over 
multiple lines in the PO files", e.g:

/* xgettext:no-wrap */
printf( _("\
this is a very long long line with more than 80 characters\n\
this is another line\n" ) );

msgid ""
"this is a very long long line with more than 80 characters\n"
"this is another line\n"

instead of 
msgid ""
"this is a very long long line with more "
"than 80 characters\n" 
"this is another line\n"

From the manual (describing no-wrap): "Do not break long message lines. 
Message lines whose width exceeds the output page width will not be split 
into several lines."

But I believe you're talking about how other XML->PO filters use no-wrap. 
Could you enlighten me a bit here? :)


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