libXdmcp is not ready for Windows

Jon TURNEY jon.turney at
Thu Apr 21 05:06:45 PDT 2011

On 18/04/2011 08:00, Vincent Torri wrote:
> libXdmcp is configured for a Windows build, but:
>  * recvfrom is defined in ws2_32, which is not passed to linker flags
>  * WSAStartup is not called
> i guess that, actually, libXdmcp is not really maintained for Windows

It works fine for cygwin, as socket functions are provided by the cygwin1.dll.

I guess that it also works fine using mingw when built as a static library and
statically linked into an application which calls WSAStartup(), which is how I
think it is used by XMing.

If you want to provide a patch to add an appropriate AC_HAVE_LIBRARY(ws2_32),
that would be great, but without knowing what you are trying to do, I don't
know if that is actually going to fix your problem. (Note that any application
which you try to build Win32 native is going to need to know that Winsock
socket handles aren't interchangeable with file descriptors...)

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