XOrg freeze that affects a lot of people

Charles Goodwin charlie at vexi.org
Fri Mar 18 09:19:04 PST 2005

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 08:41 -0800, Andy Ritger wrote:
> Hi Charlie, since this appears to be a driver issue rather than
> a core Xorg issue, I would recommend forwarding your bug report
> to linux-bugs at nvidia.com.  Please be sure to include an
> nvidia-bug-report.log (generated with `nvidia-bug-report.sh`).

I fully acknowledge (and did so in the original email) that this is a
driver issue.

However, the point was that the driver problem (which afflicts both
nvidia and ati driver users) alike causes XOrg to hang and my hope was
that somehow, somewhere, far far away there might be somebody with the
know how to make XOrg handle driver stumbling blocks a bit more
gracefully i.e. don't hang but somehow either quit gracefully or abort
the operation that caused the driver to complain.

I'm in no way trying to say this is an XOrg problem, but that doesn't
mean XOrg couldn't handle it better.

- Charlie

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