Xorg 7.0-rc1 and EXA (radeon 9200)

morgoth6 at box43.pl morgoth6 at box43.pl
Fri Oct 21 05:42:28 PDT 2005


> I get problems a lot often than that. It is at least one or two each 
> minute (provided I do something that causes large draw operations). 
> Restarting xcompmgr doesn't have much effect. If anything, it makes 
> things worse for a while.

I have a performance problem here too. Using Benh fix I was able to run RC1 with DRI enabled, but EXA is still dead slow. Mowing and resizing any window takes ages. I use torsmo (http://freshmeat.net/projects/torsmo/) program on my desktop and when it refresh it's contents the  display and mouse pointer lockups for a second or two. There is realy hard to move any window when I have torsmo running. Killing it makes things a bit better but still not a usable state.

I use Radeon 9000 card 128/128. For now I switch back to XAA. I hope someone here help us to solve this problem. 

 :: Morgoth/Dreamolers-CAPS && TBS ::

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