[SCM TRANSITION] Re: Proposal: move Randr protocol and library to git

Egbert Eich eich at suse.de
Wed Apr 19 04:05:27 PDT 2006

Dave Airlie writes:
 > It's a distributed SCM there isn't really a place to put them, how do
 > you deal with people doing branches and merging them, trying to force
 > the ideas from a centralised SCM onto a distributed SCM is usually a

Branching and changelogs have always been a source of trouble in any 

I'd expect you would have some branch which goes into a release. Pieces from
other branches go into this. Those pieces should have commit messages
themselves. Or at least the merge would have messages containing information
what issues have been fixed by the merge.

 > bad idea, you still end up colliding the Changelog, to be honest the
 > old Xfree86 changelog was fairly useless due to the mass commits, and

We have moved past XFree86 style commit messages long time ago.

 > update style messages, maybe the tar ball creation process could
 > contain a list of commits since the last release tag.


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