keyboard repeat ppppproblem

Ander Conselvan de Oliveira ander at
Tue Jul 11 05:27:46 PDT 2006

Don wrote:
> I hve been having    problems typing messages because when I type often 
> I get more than one character. It gets so bad  at times to  be    almost
> unusable.  My keyboard is not broken.  I am on my third keyboard.  I
> experimented with some kernel settings such as i8042.reset,
> attkbd.softrepeat=1, and    clock=tsc. With these options I can turn off
> the autorepeat function in a tty.   But when I use X I get charaters
> repeating.  This happens on both kde terminals and xterms.
I had a similar issue with an old computer. I don't know why, but ACPI 
whas messing with the computer internal clock. I just turned if off 
(removed from the kernel, but there should be an option to disable it) 
and the problem disapeared.
> I am running suse SL10.1.  I have also seen this    problem on another
> machiine afterr I installed FC5.  I was not able to use it.
> What could be causing this or can I just fix it by changing my config? 
> Where  in the source code  should I look?  Could it be timing issue
> unrelated to X? Or a driver problem???? It seems that some keyboard
> repeat rates can be set in software.
The linux kernel have a blacklist for ACPI. If the machine is older than 
some years (it's set in the kernel configuration) it disables ACPI. 
Maybe the kernel change between SL10.1 and FC5 changed this date.


Ander Conselvan de Oliveira
C3SL - Centro de Computação Científica e Software Livre

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