r300 DRI locks up...

Hamish hamish at travellingkiwi.com
Wed Jun 28 14:57:37 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 28 June 2006 22:41, Ian Romanick wrote:
> Hamish wrote:
> > So I enable DRI. Make sure drm & radeon modules are loaded, and start X.
> > At which point I kiss goodbye my machine as it's power off time (No
> > keyboard & dark screen). Reset button is no good, it needs a poweroff...
> > (The PC is still running of course, I can ssh into it no problem).
> That's odd.  Does your reset button ever work?  Typically if the system
> is so dead that the NMI can't reset it, *nothing* will work.  At all.
> Being able to SSH in to the box indicates that it's not that dead.

Yeah, reset button works fine... When I say it doesn't work, I mean the 
machine itself resets & reboots. But the graphics adapter doesn't recover at 
all. I still have no screen output.

The ssh into the machine is after running startx to bringup the XServer. 
All-in-all it syas to me something is fiddling the card (Saphire Radeo 9600 - 
256MB) into some state that it just can't recover from without a power-cycle. 
Not bad enough to screw the PCI bus of course, so everything keeps going, but 
there's no indication in the log to say there's actually anything that fails 
to the r300 code... 

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