Error of Beryl+AIGLX on i965

Andrew J. Barr andrew.james.barr at
Wed Nov 22 19:20:50 PST 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 11:05 +0800, Wang, Wei Z wrote:
> Pick up the thread :) I have tried FC6-32bit (compiz + AIGLX) on i965,
> seems everything works well (some of my pals got the same result on
> FC6-64bit + i965), except the following complaints:
> libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5a compiz: No
>  stencil buffer. Clipping of transformed windows is not going to be
>  correct when screen is transformed. compiz: water:
>  GL_ARB_fragment_program is missing
> Which may impact the _water_ effect, this issue is also mentioned by
> To my surprise, Andrew, the white screen issue doesn't appear, and "GLX
>  version: 1.2" is reported by glxinfo. I am just wondering that if the
>  "GLX_ext_texture_from_pixmap" issue is still there?

I don't know. It sounds like I have my understanding of the issue wrong.
Someone who actually knows what they're talking about should pipe up on
the xorg list here... :-)

I tried FC x86_64 myself on my DG965RY desktop board and it worked
better than expected, but the windows on the screen were strangely
corrupted--half of the window was scrambled, kind of stretched at an
angle (it's kind of hard to describe what it looked like). This was the
Compiz that comes with FC6.

However, I am very entrenched in Debian these days and FC6 drove me
crazy for that and other reasons. After 72 hours of Red Hat, I ended up
installing Debian's unstable/amd64 distro (previously it had had i386
unstable on it) and I have yet to try reason other than I
thought I'd run into the same issues. I will, however, try it tomorrow
and let you know.

> Thanks
> - Wei

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