Intel GMA 900 & XVideo Accelleration (i810 drivers)

galenz at galenz at
Tue Sep 12 18:58:56 PDT 2006

On Sep 12, 2006, at 3:20 PM, Eamon Walsh wrote:

> An SELinux message that contains "avc: granted {something}" is just a
> notification, not an error or denial (a denial would say  
> "denied").  In
> this case, memory was mmap'ed with both write and execute  
> permission and
> SELinux is set up to log it.  See:
> This type of memory usage is, FWIW, common in the X/graphics area.  So
> the "granted" messages may appear from time to time; there's no  
> need to
> be alarmed by them.
> -- 
> Eamon Walsh <ewalsh at>
> National Security Agency

I didn't think that SELinux was the problem. But for the purposes of  
troubleshooting, I turned it off - though it had absolutely no  
effect. This isn't a server nor is it really used for anything  
important at the moment, so I'm unconcerned.

The problem is that, I can't make any progress in resolving these  
problems. It seems to not be the player per se - VLC, Xine and  
MPlayer all segfault when trying to output this resolution via  
XVideo. This suggests it's a problem with X. Apparently, the only  
thing I can do is debug with gdb and builds of X and VLC with  
debugging enabled.

But I don't know how to properly build RPMs with debugging turned on.  
I'm fairly new to RPM package management. I really don't want to try  
and hand build X and VLC with debugging. Then I would have to remove  
the old X and VLC and replace it with the freshly built version. Then  
somehow I would want to remove the debugging versions and install the  
proper versions again. Sounds like a mess to me.

All of this is why I have a love-hate relationship with Linux. I  
don't have unlimited time and these little problems appear and  
require immense amounts of time and energy to resolve. I could have  
installed FC5 ten times over with the amount of time I've spent  
battling this graphics card - and it still doesn't work right. And I  
specifically bought a board with Intel graphics because the drivers  
were open source.


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