GXT2000P, OFfb, and fbdev question

Tom Moyer tommoyer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 05:40:00 PDT 2006

Does anyone have a configuration that works for the combination of a
GXT2000P video card using the OpenFirmware framebuffer driver and the fbdev
video driver.  I am trying to configure X.org <http://x.org/> on an IBM
RS/6000 44p-170, but when I start X all I get is a blank screen.  I know twm
is running because I can move the mouse to the left and type exit and it
exits X.  The only problem I saw in the logs is that the amount of VideoRam
is detected as 4096, but the card actually has 32MB.  I tried setting
VideoRam in xorg.conf, but it doesn't seem to work.  The log still shows
VideoRam as 4MB.

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