Application using Composite operation in kdrive

Carl Worth cworth at
Mon Jul 9 08:57:55 PDT 2007

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 19:54:42 +0530, "Abhinav Duggal" wrote:
> I have a basic question about composite operation in
> kdrive.Whichapplication request  uses composite
> operation.Is it only used in case of 3D operations like transparency or
> shadows etc.If have a picture and I want to display it onto root window will
> the composite operation be used in this?Or it is used only in case of 3D
> cases of transparency and shadowing .Please clarify my understanding of
> composite operation.

The composite operation is the fundamental operation on which modern
rendering is based. So an application that uses cairo heavily will end
up calling into composite for basically everything, (text, images,

I hope that helps answer your question,

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